Cambridge University Pool Club

Deciding colours after the break.

Posted by stevedavis 
Deciding colours after the break.
November 10, 2006 10:18AM
While the table is open, can a player hit a ball of one colour in order to pot a ball of the other colour (whether by means of a plant or a canon)? If so, how is the colour nomination made?
Many thanks,
Steve Davis.
Deciding colours after the break.
November 10, 2006 10:29AM
Yes you can. In an "open table" situation you do not have to nominate. You only nominate in 2 instances:

1) When you pot off the break.
2) When you have an open table and pot a ball of each colour in the same shot.
Deciding colours after the break.
November 10, 2006 10:29AM
That's perfectly legal on an open table - there's a common misconception with World Rules that you have to nominate if it's an open table, but that's not the case. The only time you ever have to nominate in World Rules is if you've just broken and potted one or more balls. For any visit after the break, if it's an open table you don't have to nominate, so planting one colour onto another for a pot is fine smiling smiley
Deciding colours after the break.
November 10, 2006 10:30AM
Aha.. beat u to that one Rob!! winking smiley
Deciding colours after the break.
November 10, 2006 10:31AM


Yes you can. In an "open table" situation you do not have to nominate. You only nominate in 2 instances:

1) When you pot off the break.
2) When you have an open table and pot a ball of each colour in the same shot.
Are you sure about 2)? I was under the impression that you can pot (for example) a red and yellow, then carry on with an open table, pot another red and yellow, and so on. So theoretically you could get down to the black having had all 14 colours on the table at the start of your visit, and having potted all the balls perfectly legally winking smiley

I've tried this before, but have never managed three red/yellow combos in a row... done two a couple of times though smiling smiley

EDIT: You're right, just checked the website:

Section H, rule 3.b). Well I never, you learn something new every day ;D
Deciding colours after the break.
November 10, 2006 04:07PM
i'm absolutely amazed you didn't know that one rob!! I'm sure this has come up a million times before! Definitely a sign your getting on a bit...?
Deciding colours after the break.
November 10, 2006 06:57PM
So, if you are in a situation when you're obliged to nominate, am I right in thinking you can't for eg nominate red then play a yellow into a red to pot it? xV
Deciding colours after the break.
November 10, 2006 07:26PM
You are very much right in thinking that Jenny grinning smiley
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